Events and activities

  • Next meeting – Thursday 25 July – 7pm Burn Chapel Schoolroom

Meetings, which are open to the public, take place in Burn Methodist Chapel Schoolroom, generally taking place at 19.00 on the last Thursday of the month. Exceptions to this schedule will be posted on this website and in the noticeboards



D-DAY tributes appeared round the village from 3 June 2024 in readiness for the 80th anniversary of D-Day – a hugely imporatnt point in WW2 –  bringing together the land, sea and air forces of the allied armies in what became the largest amphibious invasion in military history under the codename Overlord.

Sincere thanks to the ‘secret wreath layers’ at the memorials – they look beautiful.



Double click on picture to enlarge….

Well done again, Burn! Our super sunny 14th Big Lunch raised over £370 for The Clothing Bank charity.

Thanks to Andy and Jo at the pub, all the amazing volunteers and to Selby Community Choir for the foot-tapping entertainment.

Burn Parish Council chairman Alice Houlden said: “As ever, Burn showed it really is a little village with a big heart. The Big Lunch is a fantastic opportunity to reinforce and build on our great community spirit, welcome new residents and do our bit for charity at the same time. Thanks are due to a small army of amazing volunteers, Jo Mosey and Andy Howdall at The Wheatsheaf – and their staff – Morrisons and Tesco for kind donations towards the BBQ and to everyone who donated so generously to our charity for 2024, The Clothing Bank. Well done, Burn!”

What a great day – and so good to see Stuart Davison our local Emergency Ukraine charity founder here in the village he says has raised an amazing amount for his trips to the warzone.

Selby Community Fridge and Sleepsafe Selby, the charity supporting homeless people, also benefitted as spare burger buns and other items were donated after the event.


  • UKRAINE: local charity hero Stuart Davison is going back to Ukraine one more time on 10 June and is looking to take bandages, tourniquets, first aid kits, sanitary products, dried food, energy drinks and bars, tinned soups and sweets – all for the orphanage.
    Message 07789 871278/email
    3 June – 7 June to arrange donation delivery/collection.



Well done again, Burn! We raised over £710 for Ukraine from  our Coronation Big Lunch in 2023.

We had around 150 people at The Wheatsheaf  to celebrate King Charles III’s coronation and our twelfth annual Big Lunch. Andy and Jo’s BBQ was a great success, the weather was glorious, and attendees got to play some games, take part in the quiz and just relax with neighbours, family and friends – all in a very good cause.

Here’s a selection of pics: right click on the image to enlarge:


£1,705 donated to healthcare workers

Photo shows Burn Parish Councillors Alice Houlden (with son Logan) and Don Green with Healthcare Workers’ Foundation representative Rachel Ireland and Wheatsheaf landlady Jo Mosey.

Burn’s last two Christmas events, plus an amazingly successful Big Jubilee Lunch in June 2022 and the Wheatsheaf pub bottle on the bar, has raised £1,705 for the village’s nominated charity – The Healthcare Workers’ Foundation.

The charity money was handed over to Rachel Ireland, Trust Fundraising Executive for the Healthcare Workers’ Foundation on Thursday March 23 at The Wheatsheaf.

The Foundation’s services cover the physical, mental and day-to-day needs of all healthcare workers, from doctors and nurses to cleaners and porters, providing financial support, counselling, staff-room refurbishments and bereaved families support to anyone working in a healthcare setting. Visit their website at for more information.

Julie Child, Chief Executive for the charity, commented: “On behalf of The Healthcare Workers’ Foundation, thank you so much for the kind and generous donation. The incredible amount raised by the village will contribute towards the emotional, financial and workplace support we provide to healthcare workers in the UK. We wouldn’t be able to provide this without the generosity of people like you; thank you so much for the difference you have made.”



Picture shows driver Mitch, Ukrainian guest Katrina, Selby & Ainsty MP Nigel Adamas and driver Stuart picking up more donations in Burn

A big thank-you to everyone who has donated so generously to help truck drivers Stuart and Mitch deliver much needed humanitarian aid to Ukraine. They are now safely home – with a particular message of thanks from Sister Julie at the orphanage, where most of Burn’s aid was delivered. She said she was overwhelmed by people’s generosity.

Stuart is planning another trip probably at the beginning of June, with a focus on taking particularly requested items to Sister Julie and helping them dig a well, as there is no running water at the monastery where they are based.
We’ll be publicising what’s needed and where and when it can be delivered in due course.

Thanks again, Burn!



CAROL SERVICE: thanks to all who attended – particularly the children – we raised around £130 for Action for Children.

AUTUMN FAIR  Thanks to all who attended – stallholders, volunteers and visitors – we raised  £213  for the chapel. And a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who attended/helped at the MacmIllan Coffee Morning – we raised £250.


See Village News page for BIG LUNCH pics and comment



Looking for a bit of company or just an occasional change of scene as winter days approach?

Why not join us for a cuppa, a chat, a grumble (if you have one!) or come and borrow a book from our vast collection?
Burn Chapel Schoolroom hosts a ‘Pop In’ group from, roughly, 2pm to 4pm, on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.

Everyone and anyone is welcome – all ages, stay as long as you want!


Congratulations to Alfie Goldthorpe who is the winner of our prize draw.  He correctly decyphered the message hidden in the socks, santas, trees, stars, bells and baubles hanging up round the village to spell out “Wishing you a Merry Christmas” and now has a small reindeer to look after until at least next Christmas! He also won a game and runners up including Tim, Erica and Nate Craven and Amy and Amelia Parsley were awarded selection box consolation prizes



On our two Santa trips round the village , we raised nearly £400 for NHS staff.  We will contiinue to collect during 2022 at village events (fingers crossed!!) and in the big bottle on The Wheatsheaf bar.

Many thanks to everyone who helped make Santa’s visits to Burn such fun – helper elves, sleigh makers, driver, tractor loan, trailer loan, Paula Marie, our favourite Vintage Vocalist and of course Santa himself!

Watch out to see who wins a special prize for the lamp post Xmas message riddle!

And for those who missed it, we had a great display of decorated Christmas trees in the chapel – the theme was children’s rhymes and songs.



Well done to all residents who  have been trimming, strimming and mowing for our village’s 2021 ‘Burn in Bloom’ competition after an enforced break in 2020, thanks to the Covid pandemic.

Entries were assessed by Mrs Avis Thomas, Chairman of the North Yorkshire Branch of  The Society of Local Council Clerks, Burn Parish Councillor Mrs Eileen Boldan and Mrs Mary Farman, Clerk to Burn Parish Council.

The winners for 2021 were Brian and Freda Young, with Bryan and Jenny Ransome in second place and Ted and Jenny Hornsey in third.

Highly commended awards went to Mike and Gloria Bartram, Don Green, Gillian Howard and Jo Mosey and Andy Howdall at The Wheatsheaf pub.

Andrea Phillipson was awarded the commemorative Gordon Harrand silver salver for the best window boxes and hanging baskets.

With a focus on the three ‘Cs’ – care, colour and contrast – the judges all agreed that locals’ efforts had  resulted in some magnificent displays.

Avis Thomas commented: “I have really enjoyed co-judging Burn in Bloom this year. The standards of gardening expertise and creativity were a delight, especially given the extremes of heat and the heavy rains we’ve had and in particular the sudden and serious frosts in late spring. Well done to everyone for not letting our contrary British weather get the upper hand.”

The Burn in Bloom competition was first held in  1971, making this its 50th year, but due to last year’s postponement, the ‘official’ 50th anniversary event will now take place in 2022.


Don’t forget we’ve set up a Burn Village Facebook page – see

New flood alerts initiative
The Environment Agency has been able to create a free flood warning in Burn – the flood risks have not changed but this offers more information and advance warning. You can sign up to receive warnings by calling Floodline on 0345 988 1188 or visit
Click here for more information New flood warning initiative FEB 2021

Buy Local to boost local businesses
Our colleagues at North Yorkshire County Council have launched a new website to help North Yorkshire businesses and tradespeople, who can work under Covid-19 restrictions, share what they offer with customers who need their services.

The Buy Local website is run by North Yorkshire County Council and the aim of this is to help people find local services that are still available. The site provides details for local suppliers across North Yorkshire, including in our area.

We will be pushing information about the site to encourage businesses across the district to take part and we wanted to ask if you could help us do this, by speaking with local traders and businesses in your area and urging them to register on the Buy Local website as soon as possible to help create a comprehensive one-stop shop for North Yorkshire residents –


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